Mission "Geisha Ops " "Fungus" Judge " Croatia 1944 ( Yugoslavia ) OSE

Early in 1944 Capt.Sutcliffe was posted to the Photo Reconnaissance Squadron in southern Italy in Brindisi. A chance meeting with Brigadier Fitzroy Maclean led to him being recruited to join the Special Operations Executive’s (SOE) mission to the Yugoslav partisans. Sutcliffe in post war ear 1st Royal Irish Fusilliers Battalion along with " Monty " After a four-day parachute course, two days on weapons training and another two on explosives he was dropped into the Papuk Hills in eastern Croatia . He commanded the Geisha Mission , comprising three radio operators, an interpreter and two members of the American OSS . The Mission operated between the Drava and Sava rivers and covered the road and rail links between Belgrade and Zagreb . S OE assigned Captain Maurice Sutcliffe's team missison "Geisha " in the Papuk Hills in eastern Croatia which included Berditschew, Fintchi possibly G.T.Davies and two members of the American OSS. R...